The first one was scraplifted from one of examples (i choose LO by Charmaine), for wordart i use fonts : DjMoo, Hobo Std, Cheri Lyney..
for journal i use Nymph's handwriting font
...the other one was originally made by me...using Casual, A star is born, Wizardy, Starburst and Peeps font for wordart...for journal i use Bradley Hand ITC font
I present my LOs for my friend, Lily (thank you for your lovely son's pictures and journals)...Here they are, LOs of Lily's sons, Naufal and Rashid :
credit : Funky Mama Collab Kit Freebie
Do you wonder why the orange paper curl like that? It was meant to describe how naughy that paper didn't want to stick right on the purple paper..LOL..!
Great, babe !! love the LOs.. they make my kids look more awesome LOL !!